Sunday, January 26, 2014

Working, training and family life

2 posts and a run log does not a blogger make. I knew that I would have challenges this year and I suppose this blog is about overcoming them. Goals on the other hand are different to the challenges. Challenges have to be overcome where as goals must be achieved. The first challenge is to obviously post my thoughts and feelings, ideas and musings. But for this to be a blog I need to be posting them regularly. However there are decisions to be made every day. What am I doing, how busy am I, will I manage out for that run ? So I look to what is the goal for this month. The goal at this stage is to run every day in January so if that means that the blog does not get updated then so be it. Focus with purpose is going to be key for me this year. Don't get me wrong this blog is important to me but my first priority has to be to running and achieving my physical goals. It is interesting that I have adopted a specific mantra for this month "Keep running and things will get better" . It applies to all aspects of my life and for the past couple of weeks appears to be true. Work, while hectic and high pressure is moving forward. The success of the business is increasing and the team is growing in strength. The daily challenges are no longer insurmountable. Cycling to work and running at lunch time is giving me clarity of thought and much needed time to process plans and ideas as well as removing daily stress points. With my training I know that whatever I plan to achieve this year my base has to be built now. Granted the method in which I am choosing to build it is a bit extreme but it will deliver the desired results I am sure of it. Looking at the training log, how I feel and what I have achieved thus far I think its working. Family life always seems to be better whenever I am training regularly. The cycling home from work allows me to work through the issues from the day. This for the most part means I am more content by the time I make it home. When I don't cycle home I can still have issues to work through when I get home but having that hour cycle after work I can work through my thoughts from the day and then focus my attention on the family when I'm back in the house. Overall I think that if I keep training things will get better and for me training means running ........... try it.

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